
April 23, 2008, 9:06 am
Filed under: Uncategorized



Our poor boy has been struck with a case of the chicken pox!
The little spots started appearing yesterday morning, after two days of being a little bit grouchy. So far he’s a little miserable and easily upset but luckily he’s not too itchy yet and doesn’t seem to feel too bad.
Poor thing! And you know what? I’m feeling a little sorry for myself about it too. I don’t feel old enough to have a child with chicken pox! To me it feels like just a few years ago I had chicken pox!

I’ve been feeling this way a bit lately.
Part of me thinks having a child/children young is the best thing ever. I mean, I’ll have time to make up for anything I might be missing out on once the kids are out of home, right? Even if the next one takes a year or two to arrive, and doesn’t leave home until 20, I’ll still be under fifty! But on the other hand at the moment I’m watching all of my friends heading offshore and studying, and planning their lives out, not including children for another five or ten years!They basically can head off and do what they want when they want and they are making the most of it.
And the friends I spend the most time with are all in their thirties with children even younger than Aesop. They’ve travelled, partied, and done the things they needed to do and now are settled down and conversations are filled with talk of buying houses and mortgages, things we’re a long way off even being able to consider.
I guess there’s nothing I can, or probably even would, change about the situation but it does get me down a tiny bit down every now and then. I guess I should take a leave out of Aesop’s book and just forget about it.

Who needs to think about chicken pox when there’s dvds to be watched, morning tea to be eaten and toys to be played with!

10 Comments so far
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oh the poor little guy but chicken pox are a right of passage, I had them when we were on family vacation. how uncool is that!

regarding your thoughts on having children young….
I remember reading the narnia series when I was young, and aslan, the lion told the kids that ‘what if” is a question that doesn’t really get us anywhere. because what is, is and you can’t change the past. I don’t know if I totally agree with that, sometimes it is helpful to reflect on the choices we have made. but if it is doing your head in, then maybe its time to stop asking “what if?”

but what do I know? I am telling you to listen to a fictional talking lion!

oh well. just a thought anyway

Comment by kimberlee

Oh R, I could write the EXACT same post.

Especially as I am clucky as hell at the moment but I know that there is no way in the world I could do the things I want to do with two kiddos! (Not to mention the fact that I’d have a hard time convincing Tobin 😉 )


Comment by Nikki

I know what you mean R. I am one of the youngest of my friends and I have the eldest child by far. I will be 44 when my third child turns 18 and I figure that’s a great time to start all over or just do the things that have felt too difficult to do with three sproglets. And for me that’s only 8 years away now. Some days I am literally counting down and other days I don’t want to think about those days, I just want to freeze frame a particular moment and stick with that. I think ‘what ifs’ and ‘if only’s’ serve no purpose but to hold us back from the now, the present, and what is good today.


Comment by Rachael

poor A hope he feels better again real soon

Comment by jen

heh heh @ talking fictional lion. good one.

yeah poor aesop, but what a trooper! he’s handling. poor wee fella.

i’m so glad you’re at home to look after him and load up the dvd’s 🙂

lots of love.

Comment by abraham

Aww poor boy. All mine had CP last year..not fun but at least he’ll never get it again. Don’t despair about being a young Mum there is plenty of life left to do the thing you want. I’m going to go travelling when I’m old and can afford to go first class hehe. (after I win lotto)

Comment by SweetP

Hey Rhiannon, it’s great to see you’re blogging again. I must admit I stopped checking in when there was nothing new for a while and had a pleasant surprise the other day with lots to catch up on. Wow, you’ve been busy and have lots of plans! Looks like you’re all doing well, though poor old Aesop aye, he is very lucky to have you there looking after him. It’s a hard thing to do though, looking after a sick little one. I’m all for starting early with kids (if you’re ready to make the commitment)and as you have started already, I think it’s great you’re planning on a sibling for Aesop. The first wee while is hectic but at least you get the baby stage over and done with. It’s easier as they get older and can do things for themselves. Love to you all and hope Aesop recovers super fast!

Comment by Kirsty

hey meisje :).
hopelijk word je kleintje niet heel ziek! van tilda kon ik het bijna niet zien toen zij het had (de pukkels alleen tuurlijk).
ik denk ook vaak over mijn leven met kinderen zo vroeg.. ik ben de enige van mijn vriedjes met kleintjes en ik heb nog niet echt nieuwe vrienden gemaakt die kinderen zouden hebben. ik voel me vaak heel alleen, en dan als ik weer tijd heb voor mijn egen dingen hebben alle mijn vriendinnitjes waarschijnlijk kleine babys. hhmm, moelijk. maar toch ben ik heel blij zo. ik denk dat ik misschien meer een familie persoon ben, dan past dit eigenlijk heel goed voor mij.
knuffels en heel veel gelukkige gedachten voor jou!

Comment by anuriitta

Hi sweet pea,

Sorry to hear about wee Aesop – chicken pox is so blah – I still remember having it when I was little…bllergghh….

Don’t worry too much about being a young mama – I’m one of those women who is nearly thirty, and starting to think about maybe having some kids, but I still don’t feel like I’ve done all the stuff I wanted to do beforehand!
Plus, I think it’s great to have kids while you’re young and energetic, and there’s less of a generation gap, too…..

love to you,

Leah xxx

Comment by Hyena In Petticoats

you know what? i am 34, dont have any kids and still feel like there are a million things i could be doing with my life… if nothing else, your cause of not doing it, is a great joy and pleasure (well, at least most of the times)!

Comment by valia

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